What is GroupsAdda?
GroupsAdda is a largest online platform for competitive exam preparation. We bring online classes of the best Professors for exams in GROUP I,GROUP II,GROUP III,GROUP IV,SI,CONSTABLE,DSC,VRO/VRA and many more. These classes can be viewed multiple times, 24X7, anytime anywhere. We provide our students total freedom to clear all their doubts and ask their questions without any hesitation. We provide individual expert guidance at every step of the exam preparation.
I am already attending regular coaching classes. Why should I join GroupsAdda?
Regular coaching classes require long commutes. You sit in a classroom filled with hundreds of students, you hesitate to ask questions and your doubts just keep growing. GroupsAdda removes all these problems. With our online coaching classes you get the flexibility of studying 24X7 anytime and anywhere. You can clear all your doubts fearlessly. You can view the classes multiple times, study, and revise in the convenience of your homes. You study smart and save money also.
Who are the faculty teachings at GroupsAdda?
We have the most experienced Team of faculty members who are the best in the Industry. Faculty members are very much passionate about their job. They all bring with them a diverse wealth of knowledge.
How do I communicate with instructor?
You communicate with instructor by email and you can post your questions on discussion forums, which are answered by our experts as well as other students.
What kind of internet connection do I need to access the course?
Our videos work on regular internet speeds, but we recommend that you have an internet connection of at-least 512 Kbps for best experience.
Can I download the videos?
NO. These videos are proprietary in nature, and access is given for watching online only. These video lessons cannot be downloaded. Moreover, it is not just self-paced videos that form the preparation; the assessment video lessons, questions and online implementation of the learning are also an integral part of the preparation.
Does this Site contain complete syllabus of the present notifications ?
No, at present we have not provided the complete syllabus. Video recording of the remaining syllabus is in the process and duly updated within few days.